One year later

I did a 6 months later post and someone suggested I do a one year laster post as well.

I still have a sore spot in my uterus. I feel it every period but I’ve gotten used to it. I’m currently pregnant again, at 9 weeks 3 days. My due date is 5 days later than my previous due date from my terminated pregnancy. I’m not terminating this one, this one I will take on all the challenges of being a teen parent trying to get my college degree. My relationship with the father is better than it was last time. We still have our arguments but it’s nothing like it was. I still wonder what my life would have been like had I not had the abortion, as I would currently be holding my child. We’re just not starting to settle into a decent place that could even be deemed suitable for a child, over the last year we have lived places that were considered unsuitable for any kind of life except for the birds that flew in from the holes in the floor. We were living in the car for several months, including when I would have given birth. And although I made my decision not knowing that I was going to lose my house and be moved around so much and at one point homeless, it has worked for the best. I don’t regret my decision. I did for a while but hindsight and maturity has helped me realize that I did the right thing.