Exclusively breastfed complainers :(


My friend exclusively breastfeeds her son. I wasn’t able to EBF my daughter because of her latch, so I pump for her and supplement with formula. It really bothers me how much my friend complains about breastfeeding. I’d kill to breastfeed my daughter. She knows that, I tell her she’s lucky all the time and she just keeps saying she wants him to take a bottle. She just wrote a long Facebook post about how breastfeeding is hard and takes time. So. Is. Pumping. It’s harder because you’re taking time to feed your baby AND pump. I’m so jealous of everyone who can breastfeed you guys it’s not fair. I’m going to try it again but I’m sooo sad I can’t do it and my stupid friend doesn’t make it any better by complaining about it to my face and on social media. I’d LOVE to EBF my baby, she needs to stop making it sound so horrible