Vent warning!


So, my sil is pregnant with her second. I’m going on 6 yrs ttc baby #2. I don’t have a good relationship with her or my brother, their choice, not mine. But I unfollowed her on social media a few weeks ago, cuz she would post things directly at me, rubbing it in that she’s pregnant again & I’m not. For example, she posted that she can’t help it that she got pregnant by chance when those in her family couldn’t seem to have any more kids. I’m the ONLY woman in our family that has struggled to have another baby. And it’s known by a lot of our mutual fiends, cuz we’ve even tried adopting. I decided for my happiness of their new baby to stay in my heart, & not to let her win by making me bitter, I’d just not look to see what she’s saying. A friend of mine told me, & my mom, that she could tell the posts were directed at me. She felt sorry for me, having to deal with this. It made me sad that someone not directly involved with our family would realize how much my sil loves to hurt me intentionally. I just keep hoping she’ll get really fat & can’t lose the baby weight this time 🤣🤣