I’m fat yes, what about it?

My friends avoid saying the word, they’ll replace it with tall, bigger, athletic. I know exactly what you mean, I’ve been the punchline before. I’m fine with myself, in fact I view my self as kind of pretty. It stings when you said that guy called me a cow, I watched you with that look of anticipation in your eyes, waiting for the tears. I’m not everyone’s type what can I say, and I don’t expect to be. I have tried really hard to embrace myself for who I am, taken the time in the mirror, every roll and stretch mark. I have had all the things said to me cow, fat, ugly, monkey, gorilla. Everything. I’m still here. It doesn’t help when you point out my boyfriends so skinny, “oh I didn’t think he would your type”, eyes darting back and forth between us with that look of surprise, “he’s like a twig and..” and what, I’m so not? New year, same old bullshit. I hate my “friends” with every fiber of my being, they make sure I know my place, the funny one no room for more. Well bitches, I recognize our relationship is toxic, but the tea is I’m only friends with y’all for the answers. Like I say, the only way you can fuck with snakes is if you’re one too, if you weren’t they would have already bit you.