Adult diapers??? Really??


Let me tell you what ladies, the thought of me going down the pad and tampon isle and heading straight past them to go to the women's adult diaper section originally made me roll my eyes and giggle, thinking to myself that by the time that happens ill be 80 and won't have a care in the world. But I recently experienced exactly that. I walked straight back, carefully examined each size and thickness and shape and decided on what I hoped to be the right size and fit for me. To the young woman watching me stare and read each pack, and trying to control your giggling, its okay. I dont blame you. Im 19 and you appeared to be maybe 22 so i could only imagine what you were thinking. But what you might not have realized was that i had just given birth 4 days prior and my tiny 37 weeker was just coming home and my bleeding was still rather heavy. I didnt want to have to get up every few hours in the night to change a pad and miss time cuddling my little baby girl. I didn't want to have to put a pad on and still be frustrated when the blood leaked through and ran down my legs while I was trying to make it to my bathroom. So i bought adult diapers, and you know what? THEY ARE AMAZING! I bought the always descreet pm absorbancy in a size s/m and they are the best thing ever! They are so comfortable its insane and they even helped support my sore tummy a bit to give me even more relief. They are 100% undetectable. No one can tell you are wearing them and might i say they even helped my bum look some what nice?!?! Ladies, if you made it to the bottom of this post first thank you for reading it all, secondly DO NOT BE EMBARRASSED TO BUY SOME!! I promise it really is worth it and no one will even care youre buying them.