Best friend problems.. long post.

Best friend problems..

Ok, so I meant to bridesmaids for one of my friends..

But the past few months just hasn’t been right..

She has distanced herself from everyone, I text etc get a dry response..

So we were having a few drinks her and her parter came over I’m going to Amsterdam just me and my oh for valentines.. didn’t ask anyone. Then he started on me saying she is my best friend I should always ask her to go places (she doesn’t ask me anywhere) so I was like stop shouting in my face or get out.. then this just really pissed me off.. I’m a stay at home mum, he turns around “ do I work?” I replied “yeah i stay at home and look after my child, it’s 24/7 I don’t get a break” he says” but you sleep so you don’t work full time”.. he works full time so I said so do you work full time? He said yeah I do.. then I said but you sleep?? He ruined the night. Stormed off and she went after him..

Anyway, she hasn’t really be talking to me now.. didn’t come to my child’s 1st birthday. Just isnt her self anymore..Just being really hard to understand.