
So I do have an appointment with a lactation doctor next week but wanted to ask/vent ..

My baby( 1 week old) was born at 38 + 3 days, healthy and it went all good. Except he seems to not be able to get a deep latch. I have flat nipples (sorta - not completely flat). The hospital gave me a nipple shield and we have been using that.

Except he still can’t seem to latch on well, my nipples are so so so sore. Cracked, bleeding. Pretty much hurts the whole time - especially in the right breast- and he is fussier in that one like he isn’t getting enough. He seems to be able to do better on the left. I have broken down and started pumping and bottle feeding him the milk that way because I absolutely dread trying to get him to latch. It has been nights hell and I’m almost at my wits end.

I’ve been putting on lanolin, warming my breasts, hot showers, etc. to help ease the pain but for 1-2 hours after breastfeeding I have sharp shooting pain throughout my whole breast.

It’s affecting the whole bonding moment because I’m so uncomfortable and in such pain. When I bottle feed him it is such a nicer time and dad gets to help out more too. So far I’ve done both without nipple confusion because of the shield but Im starting to feel the guilt because I’m already dreading having to do this for the next few months and when I go back to work it is going to be hell. Part of me wants to keep it up until 8 weeks and start transitioning him to formula too. 😕