Shame for Not breastfeeding / skin to skin

Of course we all know the liquid gold boobie milk is the best for baby. But many women medically can't. Am I the only one who is just straight up uncomfortable with it? There's no physical medical issue, for me it's all mental.

I feel guilty that I won't be doing "what's best " for my baby but I think my mental health surrounding breastfeeding will suffer if I do it. Isn't a happy healthy mama more beneficial to baby ?

I'm getting so much shame for not being willing to breastfeed.

Same goes for immediately after birth; I do not want to hold him right away.

"But you're setting yourself up for horrible PPD"

Jokes on you I HAVE depression which means no matter what I do I will have PPD and this is actually a tactic I came up with with my counselor to PREVENT a panic attack / PTSD symptoms. I want to have baby , and while hesgetting cleaned up and all his necessary stuff, I will deliver placenta and when they're done with him he can go to dad and dad can bring him to me. I feel as though if the docs just thrust this baby into me I'm going to throw him off of me or scream to get him off of me or something terrible like that.

I'm sure everyone would rather dad introduce me to the baby than for me throw my child off my chest right? Right. So stfu.

Anyway I'm just getting at like we all have a reason for the decisions we make , why question and probe and make someone feel badly about them?