I feel so bad


Our 5 month old son decided to wake up last night at 11 and not go back to sleep until 1. I had to change him, give him a bottle, and hold him for a while before he would go back to sleep. He cried for a while too. My husband got pretty upset and wanted to put him in the crib last night, I was like no way. He's in the pack and play in our room and has been. His room is across the house and for some reason the vent from the ac is terrible in there. It's always hot or cold. Well I finally figured I should put him in his crib or my husband will lose it. But I feel so terrible. I'm worried I wont be able to hear him. Sometimes I get worried he isnt breathing so I stand up and put my hand on his back. Now I would have to walk across the house to do it. My laptop is in his room as well to play white noise. So I'm scared if he stirs or cries it wont be loud enough to wake me with the white noise. I dont want my baby across the house. He should he in our room still. I dont think ill be able to sleep tonight! 😫