I need help

Lilly • 13/cat person/my baby horse was born 2-7-19

I currently am fighting between if i love women or guys or both idk could someone help me out im currently 12 going to be 13 in September. Could someone help me get through this I haven’t really discovered who i am and what my sexuality is.

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Well look back on who you have liked, girls? Guys? Both? It can be confusing (I’m still figuring it out myself) but just sometimes you don’t even need a label. Just let yourself fall in love
Well look back on who you have liked, girls? Guys? Both? It can be confusing (I’m still figuring it out myself) but just sometimes you don’t even need a label. Just let yourself fall in love


Lilly • Jan 17, 2019
Ok thank you!


Posted at
Imagine you have a boyfriend and a girlfriend their both giving you the same sweet compliment which one gives you butterflies more