Dear Sad Old Lady

Initially, I’ll be honest, I was outraged, thinking “how dare she?” and “how could someone keep doing these things?” But it soon hit me, you are sad, desperate and frankly pathetic. Now I know I may not be someone who deals with such or can diagnose such but you are off your rockers.

It’s been years now since my husband broke up with you and wants nothing to do with you. Yet you are still trying to message him, call him from different phones and numbers, even though you notice nothing goes through because he has BLOCKED you. You still try.

Saddest part is that you have no remorse for the things YOU have done, none whatsoever. You play victim, forgetting that the long list of charges are actually against YOU. You have multiple warrants, or did you forget?? How can you commit such hideous crimes against someone then try to slide back into their lives like nothing ever happened?

Now I’ll admit I’m still blah by your miserably inadequate attempts, but for the most part now I see why even CPS want to take your daughter away. You NEED help. And that’s not going to come from anyone in this family. Be the grown woman that you are supposed to be ( you are almost 50, come on now) and get help. Something is wrong with you. Please for your own sake, get professional help.