Getting it off my chest

Been with my boyfriend for 6 years, rented together for 4 years, have 3 fur babies together, building a house and ttc.

*Im insecure and I overthink excessively, I know this and I see a consellor at work to help*

So I seen my boyfriend had messaged his ex from over 12 years ago, he had told her that they should catch up since he found out she had moved back to SA, She had moved interstate years ago for work with her partner.

Now I’m not so stressing about him messaging her as she is really good friends with his sister and she was in his life for a long time. I’m like if this is the only messages I’m okay with that but I’m more that she is absolutely gorgeous, she is a real manicured female who likes to dress up, wear makeup and attention. Me well I’m very low key, bang around in trackies, singlets, thongs, shorts etc I don’t wear makeup and I’m not good at dressing up nicely, I need help with that shit !

So insecurity is kicking in and I’m like maybe he wants that, maybe I’m not good enough for him anymore.