Ovulation and ivf


Ladies, I have an appointment with a fertility specialist next Monday the 14th of January abroad. We are leaving tomorrow 11th January we chose this clinic for many reasons and cost was one of them. My question is, the specialist told me to see him on the first or second day of my cycle which was supposed to be on the 14th. However, I have not ovulated yet! I have no idea why, maybe it’s the stress, maybe its the anticipation or whatever it may be. I was wondering if anyone who has been through the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> process can shed some light in what happens during the situation where a woman hasn’t ovulated, do they push your appointment and wait until she has? Do they give her some medication to induce ovulation? I need to get my period and I am worried because I didn’t ovulate this cycle ( currently cd23), what if I don’t get my period by Monday? I have had a 28-30 day cycle for as long as I can remember! I don’t know what happened this time. I feel like the universe is playing a joke on me. We have our flights booked, hotels booked, taken off from work etc and here I am, not ovulated Yet.

Any input might help will be welcomed. Thank you