300+ ttc

Bebe • Mother of 2 amazing boys🙇🏽‍♂️,Girlfriend to an amazing boyfriend 💏 , MC 9/25/18👼🏽 my 🌈 👶🏽 8/26/19 currently pregnant with baby #3 a baby girl 🎀 coming 2022

I’m 308 and I really want a baby I had a son 11 years ago and after having a mc last September I feel like I’m more than ready, I thought I would’ve conceived last month but af came right on time 😒 I’ve been doing things to help me conceive like taking folic acid and drinking more water I’ve been cutting down on fast food and at least getting 15 minutes of walking a day. Anyway is it harder to conceive when you’re overweight?has anyone had a successful pregnancy especially after a mc? And is there anything else I should try cause I’m super ready.