Kids at the Movies

Whaley 🐳 • 👰🏻12/30/2017🤵🏼 🐶🐶🤰🏻due May 2019

Going off the nosy kids at restaurants post, what about kids at the movies?

In a restaurant you don’t really have the expectation of silence unless it’s a fancy restaurant. In a movie theater there is the expected etiquette and even message before every movie to not distract others from the movie. Kids (and adults checking their damn phones) tend to cause disruptions.

Personally I think there should be adult only movie times especially the first week or two after a new movie comes out. For movies such as Star Wars or Marvel where it appeals to adults and kids, kid movies or rated R movies shouldn’t need an adult only showing.

One example was on opening night of a Star Wars movie I sat with my ex in a middle area seat. Next to my ex was a preteen aged boy who rocked the entire movie. The rocking was very distracting to my ex and he was very angry. I told him the boy likely had a disability and he couldn’t help it and he should be able to see the movie too. However, I think the parent should have placed him on the aisle or gone to an earlier showing for the crowd to die down because it was a disruption to other’s enjoyment of the film. That would allow the kid to still enjoy the movie in the theater while being courteous to others who are also excited to see the movie and don’t want to be distracted. Obviously in that instance it wasn’t something the boy could control and likely might never be able to. In many cases parents can’t control or sometimes even know their kid’s behavior. If a kid is kicking the back of a seat the parent might be so involved in the movie they might not even know to correct them.

It seems the question is where does the line of freedom to use a public place and giving people common curtesy cross?