2 yrs TTC and finance guilt


(Sorry,long post)

I just wanted to know if there was/is anybody out there who might feel the same way as me? My DH and I started our ttc journey 2 yrs ago this month,about 6 months after we bought our first house. We were doing well financially,not a ton of debt,not living paycheck to paycheck or constantly going into the negatives in our bank account and even had a small emergency fund we were slowly building up. Then I had health problems,not big,but it depleted what little we had,and we have struggled to get our finances back to where they were. My DH just took a job with both pros and cons. Pro was that he got off at the same time every night,works in one location and isn't dealing with the public anymore (long story). The con is that he is just starting out his apprenticeship,so he took a $10 paycut,plus his other job he was home dispatch so he drove his van straight to first customers house and last customer came straight home,so his company paid for all his gas. Now he is having to fill up close to $100 every week. We had discussed that when taxes came in,if there was enough, we would use the money to go get an hsg done and check to see if my fallopian tubes were cleared or not. Now,all I feel is guilt when I think about it,even though he keeps saying we will manage. I don't want to go into debt for a possible chance to have a baby not knowing if that'll do the trick or not,I feel like I'm not being a good steward of my money rather than taking care of our financial situation first. It just seems a bit financially immature,and I don't want to ever end up having to file bankruptcy bc I know adding a baby to the mix is a huge financial stress if you're already barely making it by. I read an article about <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and adoption,and there were tons of comments about people who didn't mind going into debt bc it was worth it to start a family,but I just can't seem to see it that way. I would be racked with guilt and don't want to force that kind of financial stress or responsibility on my DH and make him regret not waiting until we were more stable,but his mother keeps telling us we will never be able to afford a baby bc no one ever is. My job is 40 hr a week but I still only make roughly $11.50ish with a small side job of crocheting messy bun beanies,my DH makes 3-4more than me now when before he was getting paid $25ish an hour. Has anyone else felt guilty for trying to start a family when you can't (literally,in my case) afford to??