Just want honest opinions from you girls!

My partner and I have been together 4 years and we’re even engaged obviously I call him the love of my life and i would say we are so good together! Last year he went through a phase of adding dirty snapchat accounts and I don’t mean professional porn stars it’s always been the Instagram girls who want to make money with dirty Snapchat videos , I told him

I didn’t like it for the usual reasons like it made me feel insecure and I find it strange and for me it’s a bit like if I was good enough why would you need those types of videos off random internet girls! He deleted them and told me he was just curious because he’s a guy (typical really😂) but recently the last couple of months he’s adding more back? I need to know if I’m being crazy and I should just leave it have you guys any experiences with the same or like an opinion on the situation? It’s getting me down but I’m not sure if I’m just being stupid😓