Someone help, I’m being emotionally abused and don’t know where to turn

I’m 19 and a college student(up until this last semester I got into a horrific car accident and am not able to continue my schooling until September) so I’ve lived at home in hope to hopefully create a future to get away from the nightmare of a childhood I had with my mom. She’s 42 right now and got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 10 years ago.

Mind you my whole life she’s been every type of abusive you towards me that you can think of.

When I was 16 and 18 I was sexually assaulted and she constantly laughed about it and rubbed it in my face

She’s beat me. Today I was out with my bf(the first time she’s known I got to enjoy myself in almost SIX MONTHS since my accident) I came home put my purse down and grabbed my debit card and left for ice cream as i was gone she proceeded to sneak into my room put her card where me my boyfriend and bestfriend watched me take mine out before we left and literally called me screaming at the top of her lungs about how I stole her card(she literally planted it to start an argument) my neighbours were texting me about how they were going to call the police she was yelling about how I should kill myself and how my “sandnigger boyfriend needs to beat the fuck out of me” like who says this she even tried to hit me with a bat when I just came into the door.

What am I supposed to do? I do not know how to deal with this😞 I can’t work right now(doctors orders) to even get enough money to try an move out and literally have zero family members here who do I talk to...