Confused about my sexuality

Ok, I’m in high school, and I’ve kind of gone my entire life thinking I’m straight. But then, at the same time, I’ve also realized that I wouldnt really mind having sex with a girl. I’ve never had sexual fantasies about girls or had crushes or anything, but I feel like I would be equally as fine having sex with a guy or a girl. I had a boyfriend for a little while but I felt NO emotional attachment and I broke up w him really fast. I feel like the only people I can be emotionally attached to are girls, but again, i never see them in a romantic way or have crushes, but like I obviously have an emotional attachment to my friends who are girls, just not in a “gay” way. Just in a friend way. Also, whenever I think of making out w a guy, the thought just kinda grosses me out, but i like the thought of having sex with a guy. The other day, I watched porn to see if I liked straight or lesbian porn better and honestly, I liked lesbian porn more, but I know a lot of straight women say that. So I don’t know if any of that made sense, this was mostly just me spilling my thoughts. I’m just so confused. And I know that obviously, whichever sexuality I am is totally fine, and I’m not scared to be not straight, it’s just that I’m not sure if I am or not. Ughhh idk. If you got this far on this post, congrats.