My baby is too big.


I’m currently 38w 5d and I have been doing EVERYTHING to try and help induce labor ( dr told me to) since around 35w because my baby is really big. Anyways at my appt today the Dr said I’m pretty much the furthest I could be from being ready for labor still....well my baby’s head is measuring at 42 weeks and when he tries to measure how wide the body was he couldn’t because the rest of his body was “out of range” my dr said he would induce now but he doesn’t think it would do anything because I have been having contractions but they arnt doing anything to my body SO he is giving it one more week and then going to decide weather to induce or c section based in size.

Has anyone had something similar happen to them? What did you do? I really want to have him naturally but it’s looking like that’s not going to happen.... Iv also had no complications.