A very confusing question?

Af is is two weeks late. I’ve had three bfn.

The only unusual symptoms I’ve had are a very bad very long head ache, sleepless nights and crying.

But yesterday I had clear stretchy discharge.. which normally means ovulating..

so.. question is.. is clear stretchy discharge strictly the result of ovulation, in which case means I am definitely not pregnant? Or can that type of discharge be normal.

Also going to add, during this cycle I’ve already had three days of brown discharge, so what the heck was that? Was that ovulation? Or was it implantation?

Which circles me back around because if it was implantation then what is my clear discharge?

Or is two weeks late, symptoms, both types of discharge normal and I’m just going crazy... or I’m broken...

Very confused right now.

Update: I called my doctor and the nurse said if my pregnancy test says negative then I’m not pregnant, she can’t tell me why my period isn’t coming. So screw me I guess right? What the hell do I do now? Just keep waiting and keep wondering why I am not getting my period that I get every month??