I have to share it with someone


My story...

Anxiety sufferer for many years. Tried coming off my meds last year in order to have a baby. Everything went wrong and I became very ill. That all started this time last year. After a long road to recovery with the great help of my family and friends I finally got back to work after 6 months off being unable to function. After much inner turmoil and research I decided to stay on the meds I have been put back on to, albeit at a lower dose and ttc. We tried for 6 months previously (I know not that long compared to many couples) with nothing happening. Now after only 1 cycle I have had a positive pregnancy test. I believe that I was meant to go through all the trauma of last year and this is my gift from Mother Nature for being strong enough to overcome.

I have extremely irregular cycles and my last period started on 8th November 2018. I did a clear blue digital test tonight and it says I am 1-2 weeks pregnant. Does this mean 3-4 weeks? I’ve booked an appointment with the midwife on Friday so hopefully she’ll explain how I can find out how far along I am. I hadn’t started charting anything as that was going to start after my next period.

On top of all this my boyfriend is away skiing for a week and I want to tell him face to face. I was feeling so anxious I confided in my mum. But I wish I wasn’t home alone feeling all these feelings and winding myself up.

Thanks for reading x