My pregnancy has distracted me from somebody very important in my life..💞

When I think about it, my pregnancy has distracted me from my little sister from the very beginning. (I don’t want to post her name, so let’s call her Sue).

This is the first BFP i got on September 10th. (5 days before Sue’s 4th birthday). I vaguely remember Sue running around trying to tell me something and I was too shocked by my BFP to pay attention to a word she was saying. I didn’t not pay very much attention to her emotionally, and I think that’s where it started.

My little sister was born 11 days before my 14th birthday. She is my only sibling, and I always wanted a little sister, so when I found out about her, I was absolutely over the moon. For the past 4 years, Sue has been my motivation for everything in life. I have sincerely loved her more than anybody else in the world, and everyone knows it. My sister is my heaven. I would do anything for her.

But when you get pregnant and you realize you’re about to be a mother, things change, including priorities. I have a beautiful baby girl on the way, and that is a different kind of love than what I have for my sister. Realistically, this is a bigger love, a much stronger love than what my sister and I have. I feel guilty about it, but that’s motherhood. Somewhere along the way I lost touch with how truly important to me my baby sister is. She will always be #1 in my life, just a different kind of #1. We don’t see each other as much as I would like to dye to family issues, but she will always hold one of the biggest chunks of my heart. My love for her is unconditional.

I had to share this somewhere, I had to find a place to express my love for this ray of sunshine.

Moms, don’t forget about your younger siblings, no matter how big or small the age gap, They will always need you.

Our relationship has been long distance for the most part; we used to live in different states because I lived with my mom and she lived with our dad, so I only saw her during vacations.

She and I sport the same crazy curly hair, the only difference is I’m old enough to straighten mine😂

Whether you’re a mom or not, post your siblings below!!💗💗