When to tell the kids?!

Allie Cat

Hey there! I’m 5w 4d with my 3rd child, but my older 2 are 6 and 8. My husband wants to tell them sooner rather than later, especially with how I’ve been feeling, but I also don’t want to crush them if something happens. Im seeing an OB on Saturday so our original plan was to tell them afterwards as long as everything checked out, but it still makes me nervous. However, I HATE keeping secrets...it makes me feel like I’m lying to them! Ugh. When did you tell your kids?!?

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Wait till they can see your bump. Its real then. It will help them to understand. It's a really hard concept to understand even for an 8 year old.


Allie Cat • Jan 15, 2019
They’ve had many aunts have babies so I’m not too worried about them understanding lol


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I told my girls 16,10 and 6 at about 5 weeks. I was so sick that I didn't want them to worry about what was wrong with mommy.


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My son is 8 and we had to tell him around 8 weeks because I have HG with my pregnancies and he was worried about how sick I was. I took him to the ultrasound not long after so he could be involved and it would be more real for him. That was 10 weeks ago and he has been super excited and talking to baby every day. However, we have also been pretty honest with him about the fact that sometimes things happen. We have had 3 miscarriages in my family in the last year so he knew it was a possibility.


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Me and my boyfriend waited until we learned the gender to tell our boys, I was pregnant with our second baby but first together. I had gotten pregnant the year before and lost it. We told everyone right away and crushed them. So we decided to wait until we knew it was safe plus the gender. I would always tell them I had a stomach bug.