As if I didn’t have enough to stress over....

I read all these posts with everyone complaining that their boyfriend/husband did this or that.75% of the time my thoughts are woman up and leave or wow she’s crazy😅 I’ve now entered the ring with the other 25%....the terrifying “what ifs” that could actually happen...I’m terrified of my husband not physically wanting me after our son is born. I know he’d never leave me or cheat on me,that’s not a concern....the concern is never waking up at 2am to him wanting me right then, it’s never leaving an event early because he can’t wait to get me home,it’s that the look in his eye anytime I wear “that dress” will disappear. Right now I’m 9 months pregnant,we’re not having sex for a million reasons...but in just a month or two our little one will be sleeping in the next room and it will just be me and my husband again. He’s a wonderful man,but once before years ago I gained more then just a little extra comfort weight (like 50lbs) and he told me he just wasn’t attracted to me anymore....that he was doing his “husbandly duty” to fuck me. It’s the only out of the way thing he’s EVER said to me,so I guess that’s why it still hurts so much. The scales have now reached 1lb over that number....I know it’s mostly baby weight but a lot of it is me....I’m worried it’s going to be so much harder to lose it this time and that my body being stretched out will gross him out....he’s a wonderful man....but he’s not perfect....