Baby # 3


We just celebrated someone's first birthday.

My pregnancy with baby #3 was very much not like my first two. After 2 very easy conceptions, we actually had to *try* for this baby. At 13weeks I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. At 15weeks it had grown so large I had surgery. It was the size of a tennis ball. They told me I would likely miscarry and they would take my ovary in surgery.

After a quick and simple surgery, I awoke to two ovaries and a heartbeat. I recovered with very little pain meds, but the process was slow none the less.

At 18weeks my hips and low back decided their service was no longer needed and I had excruciating pain from then on. There was a myriad of other issues like my glucose testing being weird, dips in blood pressure, CH attacks, no weight gain...... ugh

On 1/9/18 i drove myself (we lived an hr from any family but 10 mins from the hospital) around 8pm to the hospital because mt husband had to work in the am [4am actually] and someone needed to be with our older kids. I couldnt walk more than 2 or 3 steps without needing a rest. I had no idea what was happening. It was determined that baby 3 had smushed themselves so low in my pelvis that their sweet face compressed all my nerves in my pelvis and despite all the baby turning tricks there was notjing we could do. It should resolve at birth.

On 1/11/2018 it was a normal night like any other. I made dinner and then went to change into clean pjs (lets face it- maternity leave i lived in pjs). I sat down to put pants on. There was an audible *POP* and fluid every where. I screamed for my husband. My water broke! I cleaned up the fluid i had tracked every where showered and changed. I put on some pads i had picked up for delivery and headed to the hospital alone. I wasnt in any pain. I arrived, was checked in, IV started.

They FED ME! 😍 around 9pm contractions started all on their own (after 1 delivery that needed pitocin and an induction i never thought id have a story like this). During this time my husband rode his harley to the hospital to get my car... did i mention i leaked fluid all over my front seat? Thank goodness for the nurses who gave him some spare chucks! By 11pm my whole birth team was there. My mom, husband, 2 older kids (both asked to be present- 9& 6yo), my SIL, MIL, and very close friend D.

D and my husband J were very focused on me. Rubbing my back, rocking with me, attending to my needs. The kids had lots of questions but were very supportive holidng hands and cheering me on through contractions.

My MIL on the otherbhand was yelled at several times. Finally D told her she was hindering my birth but was more than welcome to await her grandbaby from the waiting room. She continued to huff and puff at the "fuss" i was making. My SIL told her she needed to be quiet and let my body work "its goddess magic any way it sees fit" 💜💜💜

Around 4am i wanted to lay down. The dancing and pacing and bouncing amd squatting was soo tiring. So they checked me... guess who got to a 10 WITH NO MEDICAL HELP? This mama! Guess who had no drugs but lidocaine for her IV stick? THIS MAMA! (After 2 epidural deliveries i was very proud)

By this time my mom, MIL, and kids stepped out. I pushed 3 times and at 420am on 1/12/18 our baby was born. I asked for delayed clamping but the cord was too short so it had to be cut.

Baby peed on me immediately, my husband was so full of emotion. I asked what the babys name was (3rd team green and he wanted to tell me). He said he wanted a boy but knew before looking she was a girl. He started to cry, said we have a little sister welcome to the world baby Bea.

Everyone came back, they were so happy to meet baby Beatrix. She was very alert and very calm. By 7am i was asking to be discharged. That didnt happen until the next day (we couldnt pass the bili by like 3 points but oh well).

She is my little ham bone. Our little Honey Bea. She has 8 teeth, 10 words, eats everything in sight, has been walking since 10m, and is my longest breast fed baby with 12m and 3 days!