Expected a longer labor 🤷🏻‍♀️


It being my first baby and being induced I was told multiple times my labor is going to be long so I prepared for a long labor. I was to be induced 12/24 at 7:00am 38+6. I arrived at the hospital just at 7 and they got me into a room right away to sign papers and get things rolling and I was excited and nervous all that took around 30min and as soon as papers were signed my doctor decided to go ahead and break my water even though I was only 2cm and had been for 2 weeks but as soon as he did the contractions started and they started hard I did my best to breathe through them and breaking my poor boyfriends hand through the process I lasted about an hour before I asked for pain medicine I opted for pain medicine through the Iv Instead of epidural because I figured I had time but the medicine they gave me only put me to sleep between contractions and from here it gets foggy because the medicine put me in and out of sleep. The contractions got worse and worse and suddenly I felt like I really really had to poop all my family kept yelling at the nurse to check me but the nurse insisted it was nothing but she checked and I was already at 8-9cm. I was still really out of it because of the medicine they gave me but I kept feeling the need to push the nurse told me not to but my body took over and there was nothing I could do to stop it by this time they told me it was too late for the epidural and I was terrified but more focused on the fact that my body was pushing out a baby and no one was ready the doctors and nurses were all rushing to get ready and the second the doctor told me to push I pushed and only about 2 pushes and what felt like my vagina ripping in half later my baby girl was born at 11:01am at 6lbs 5oz looking exactly like her daddy.

Lacie Elise Etzweiler ❤️