Baby girl born at 26 weeks and 5 days


I had been hospitalized with this little girl since Monday Morning (01/07/2019)due to my cervix shrinking week by week to where Monday when I got checked my cervix was completely unmeasurable . They okay’d me to go home yesterday morning around 10is because everything looked “stable”nothing had changed or gotten worse so they said I was fine to go home with being dilated a fingertip or less. I went home yesterday woke up later that afternoon to the news that my uncle had passed . I tried to continue my day as humble and peaceful as I knew how because I was already on the edge of going into premature labor so nothing else needed to set it off. Later that night around 8 I prepare to get in the shower for I can go lay back down because I was on bed rest. I felt fine , I had no cramps no aches no nothing. As I was about to get up from peeing I felt like something was going to fall out of me. It was clear and a sac. My mom rushes me back to labor and delivery being only home for just a few hours. The nurse checks me and she said she sees nothing . We wait to the doctor gets there thank God I called on my way there it took her 5 minutes or less to come in. She checked my cervix and went back over my report from earlier that day before I was released to go home. She checked my cervix for what seemed to be like forever. She removes her gloves and say there isn’t any water around baby and while I’m checking your cervix she’s kicking my hand. Youre 6 cm dilated ! You’re going to have this baby tonight and through emergency c section. Since I was so far along I couldnt have an epidural so they put me to sleep with some meds through my iv. Dezreya Harmoni Stripling was born at 1130 pm (01/11/2019) weighing 2 lbs and 13 inches at 26 weeks and 5 days. I never seen this coming or can’t even think about what if I had went ahead and got in the shower and gone to bed last night. I’ve always heard the quote “when one angel leaves another one enters “ but last night I would of never knew that’s exactly what was in the mix for my family. I’m so thankful for God and my nurses and my family for the support and the prayers & even though my uncle left us I’m so at peace with knowing he’s not suffering .