Emotional & overwhelmed


Feeling so overwhelmed, there’s a lot on my plate & just need to vent. I know I should talk about it to my husband or sisters or family, but idk! I’m being such a brat rn,

1) I’m so over math idk why I took it 3 weeks before having my son but I wanted to get this out of the way.

2) my sons low but yet so high in my ribs and hurting me

3) my moms living with me rn for the past 6 months and don’t know how to tell her I want my space before baby comes. Her cars been in shop for 7 days and I been having to take my brother and her places.

4) my just tired and hungry and want to sleep!

I know I shouldn’t complain, I feel bad for even venting so sorry! But I need to let it OUT!!!