TTC for 14 cycles..Got My Period a Week Late but...


Ok, so as some of you might know, TTC can become stressful. I think I may have stressed myself out so much this time I caused my period to come a week late. I was so convinced I was actually pregnant this time, I dropped like $50 on expensive pregnancy tests just to see the words "Not Pregnant". To boot, it's my 28th birthday today. So, I'm trying to see the silver lining and to make the most out of things. I'm on my way to get my nails done and a pedicure! Then, tonight some of my coworkers are meeting up at a local place to celebrate my bday with me and my husband. While my MIL watches our 2 year old son. At least I can have some much-needed adult drinks, without worry. Oh, and we're going away for two days to an indoor waterpark (thank goodness for my Diva Cup) in Ohio to relieve some stress. Here's to 28 years and silver linings!