My Lil Alien at 15 Weeks


Switched OB docs. The other was sweet, but his office and equipment were a little outdated.

Was able to find a new doctor and got a pretty clear ultrasound.

Neither one would/ve be/en the delivering doctor anyway since we are moving out of state this April.

We were able to find out through a blood test with the first doctor tho that we are having another girl (I have an 8 year old son and a 14 month old daughter) and that she doesn't have down syndrome which were happy to hear.

The new doctor has scheduled me for a genetic and anatomy ultrasound in February because of my age, 35.

Excited to see baby girl again and possibly get her gender pic.

Hope everyone is doing well and having a good start to the new year!!

Her profile and hand waving "Hi" 🙋‍♀️

Her face looks like a little alien lol 👽. She has hand near her mouth.

Her hands 🖐🏻🖐🏻