When the lab throws away your bloodwork 😭

Krysta • 💏 '09 👶💜 '16 🌈👶💜 '19 👶💙 '20

Now I have to do my 1hr glucose again😭😤 I don't hate the drink, but it just sucks in general. I already have weekly NSTs and weekly growth scans and now I have to add in a 3rd appointment this week to redo this at 9am😴😭 They drive my little 2year old and I crazy!

After spending a week in the hospital with pneumonia and sepsis over the holidays and getting poked and prodded the whole time, this mama is soooo over tests and bloodwork and appts! So so ready for these last 8 weeks to fly by and this sweet girl to make her appearance so we can all finally relax a little!