So embarrassing ! 😭🙃


So I went in for my 38 week checkup with my doctor and we found that my blood pressure was high so I’m being admitted to hospital today...

BUT ANYWAYS, my doctor decided to do an internal exam, my first internal exam... I cried and then I DID A WEE on his hand !!! 😭 I was hoping he didn’t notice so we sat down and the first thing he did was bring it up and tell me he is getting a kidney specialist to come see me in hospital.

So that’s pretty embarrassing right ? Not too bad but oh well I was really embarrassed, so I apologised to him and he gave me a hug to calm me down and said it’s okay which was super super sweet and then THERE IT WAS... an exact print of my face on his dark blue scrubs in the form of my makeup 😂😂😂.

I just walked straight out and hoped he didn’t notice 😂😭.