Braxton Hicks vs contractions

Amy • Mom to 4 beautiful girls. 3/3/10, 4/27/14, 4/8/17, 3/7/19.

This sounds stupid considering this is my 4th kid, but bare with me. I’ve had Braxton Hicks with my second, third and current pregnancy, but they’ve all been extremely mild, so I knew they were BH. At 26 weeks with this pregnancy I began spotting occasionally, spotted on and off till 29-30 weeks Doctor always said it was irritated cervix. With the spotting my BHs increased though. Around 29 weeks they started chilling out again thankfully. The last few days though when I get them they wrap all the way around to my back and give this dull aching down where your menstrual cramps would be after the tightening subsides, they’re mildly painful, like I feel the need to put my heating pad on my back once one finished. Now I’ve never had BH do that in the past, so I’m wondering if I’m randomly having actual contractions...? Is that possible? Let me know what your guys feel like or if I’m crazy. Dr appointment on Thursday so I plan on bringing it up then, but just thought I’d see what you guys say.