Failure to thrive


My baby girl has been diagnosed as failure to thrive and I feel like such a failure as her mom! 😢 she was born at 6 pounds 7 ounces and is now 8 pounds 11 ounces, at 3 months old. she lost 2 ounces since her last check up 2 weeks ago! She is EBF and eats between 1.5-3 hours during the day. I’ve been trying to supplement with bottles and have tried all kinds of bottles and with different formulas and my pumped milk and she just screams and cries when I put the bottle in her mouth! We have a appointment with GI at the children’s hospital on Friday to rule out any body issues. We’ve done a pre and post weight and she only eats about 1.75 ounces per feed and she always pulls away and is happy and smiling when done and if I try to relatch her she just gets mad and cries. I mean I dont know what to do to get her more nutrients if she won’t take a bottle! 😢😢