Feel like a single mom

So I know this sounds dramatic and Im not trying to compare myself to actual single moms, I just feel like My husband isnt even in this family. My LO is almost three months and Im a SAHM, I am so grateful for this and he does work 6-2 mon-fri, the thing is he is also a gamer and as soon as hes home he plays games till 10 pm and then we all go to bed, Its just sad to me that he spends more time on a computer than with us, he has his own gameroom so we literally dont see him but for dinner, which he takes upstairs with him. LO is developing a personality! she does new things everyday and Her dad is missing it.. not because of work, because of games... she does like him but not nearly as bonded as she is with me. This also sucks because he isnt good at keeping her, if she starts to cry he cant console her and just calls me. I mean he doesnt know her so go figure, this means That I have to do everything with her or only leave her alone with him for short periods while she naps, EBF doesnt help my case either. So I can walk the dogs alone, on her sleep schedule and thats my only alone time. And thats literally taking care of sething else. He doesnt helo housewise but Since I dont work I really dont mind that part. BuIdk, He really does love me though, we cuddle every night before falling asleep and have a very active sex life. I feel like he loves me alot more than our baby. I dont want my baby growing up with a father who chosw games over her

Is anyone else feeling this way? Do dads do better in roles as babies get alittle older? able to play?