Screw it all

A sloth has had 1 baby and is pregnant with twins. All within a year and I can’t even get pregnant. A slut who hooked up with 3 different guys a day. Does drugs. And is an alcoholic. Is pregnant. And I can’t seem to get pregnant. It’s been over a year of trying and I’m fcking over it. It’s not fair. I’m gonna scream. I’m hurting. And I don’t think I’ll ever be blessed. The longer time goes on. The more depressed I get. Oh hey look another 2 family members are pregnant. Woop de fcking doo. I’m happy for them yet I’m suppose to have it rubbed in my face yet they don’t even understand the struggle I’m going through because none of these baby’s were planned. Screw it all. Congrats to everyone who is pregnant but in the mean time. I’m going to be a depressed mess.