Please PLEASE don’t judge!


First off, I love my baby more than anything on earth and I’m so happy God chose me to be his mom!! But does anyone ever feel like they need to get away? I work all week but on the weekends, I usually enjoy every moment I get with my baby but lately, there are a few days I wish I could just go out and grocery shop, go on a date with my husband, or just shop in general and not have to think about eating or pooping or nap times. I have this horrible mom guilt for working and then wanting a day to myself one weekend too. He likes his schedule and it’s super hard to take him out by myself. FTM here🙋🏻‍♀️ I live in the country so it’s an hour drive to the closet town. I just feel like a horrible person for not wanting to spend my free time with him! It’s not that I don’t want to not do baby things for a day, but I just need to feel like me again. Will that ever happen? Gah I feel terrible!