NEED TO KNOW (kind of long post, sorry)

Im not gonna get into the story about how I got to this point in my life, but I’ve had one appointment with a counselor. My stepfather thought it would be a good idea for me to talk to someone to get help on some issues in my life. So I went and she was really nice and supportive, and we talked about how I needed somebody mutual from the family to help me with depression and stress, anxiety. She said we’d get down to the heart of the problem and figure out what to do from there. I felt happy to know I have someone mutual to talk to. Me and my dad don’t talk about personal things, he’s not that kind of person while my mom works crazy hours and gets mad at me whenever I try to talk to her about something that’s bothering me, and she says that I’m just looking for a reason to be upset. The lady I talked to gave me paperwork to fill out about medical things if any of that might interfere with the appointments or if she would end up sending me to a physiatrist. I don’t know anything about going to a counselor. I just honestly don’t know what I’m getting into, but my mom says that all they’re gonna do is tell the state that I’m mental and crazy so then I’ll never be able to get into college or get a job. Yet it says on the paperwork that they’ll only release information if I become a threat to myself or society, or if I end up talking about an event that happens to be a crime. My next appointment is supposed to be tomorrow and I have no idea if my mom cancelled the appointment or not. I guess the whole rant is me asking (and sorry if this sounds like it has an obvious answer).. but will me seeing this counselor label me to the state? Will my chances at getting into college or getting a job truly be ruined if I do this?