Sleep Program’s


What are some sleep Program’s you used?! My daughter is very easy going and can sleep 6 hour stretches at night. It normally goes like this; Bed time 7:15 she stirs for a while and go pop the paci back in 3-4 times till she’s out for good at 8. Then she’ll sleep till around 1-2 am for a feed and go right back down. The problem is she’s up and ready to party at 5:30 am and it’s a fight to make her go back to sleep and she’ll only really stay asleep 20 minutes at a time after that. I know this isn’t bad by any means but I work from home and most stuff gets done after she’s asleep so I don’t go to bed till maybe midnight. Again I know it could be worse but I know it could be better. When she’s waking at. 5:30 she’s not super hungry. Maybe takes 3 ounces then just wants to wake up. Also, her day time naps 😐 Hardly naps... the longest has been a 45 minute stretch. Any suggestions? I tried cry it out method from “get your sleep on” book but I just can’t. It physically hurts to know my baby wants me and I’m just ignoring her. She’s almost 5 months!