First time mom...with MOM probz. 🙄


Hi ladies!

I am 33 weeks pregnant and am in nesting mode before my little boy arrives. I have had a wonderful pregnancy so far and am looking forward to being a first time mom. As excited as I am, I’m also feeling a little overwhelmed with mother. Now if I can make a long story short...I have a sister who had her first baby two years ago. When she had her baby, she had her husband and I in the delivery room for the birth. My mom was so hurt that she was not included...though at some point through labor my sister did allow her to come in for a little. Ever since then, it’s been “you better not do that to me too!” Before I was pregnant I had no clue what I would want...and even didn’t when I first found out. But the closer I get to delivery, the more I know...I don’t want her in there. One...I’m delivering at a birthing center that focuses on natural birth. That has always been crazy to her. Two, when she came into my sisters labor room, she did sometimes get in my way of coaching my sister with her husband. (I took classes then and now with her) And finally...I want as little people as possible in my room, but I know my sister can help me in ways my husband can’t just because shes been through this and they both fully support my birth plan. I’ve told my mom my plan and she’s hurt but I think she’ll follow what I want. The only thing she’s starting to become overwhelming in planning to help me after the baby is born. She makes comments about spending the night all the time, and being my “first” choice in helping me after he’s born and we’re home. (I mentioned a few family and friends who also offered, and she got super upset that I would even consider it.) I don’t know what to expect being a first time mom, but does anyone have any advice or understanding of what I should want or expect as a new mom? I know I’ll need help and want it, but I don’t want to be overwhelmed by her needs while I’m figuring this out for the first time.