I Think I May Be Pregnant


Hey everyone!

So, about two weeks ago I started waking up with headaches and extreme nausea. I chalked it up to either some early PMS or lack of coffee the previous day. But last week, my breast were extremely sore. It reminded me of the first time I started to develop breasts, like how they're so tender it makes you wanna cry! I haven't even been wearing a bra they hurt so bad.

Anyway, I took a pregnancy test (Clear Blue rapid results) and it came up as positive. It's a day before my period is supposed to start, so I'm skeptical. The box came with two tests, so I plan to take the second one. I just don't know how long I should wait before taking it again.

Also, I can't afford to go to the OB/GYN yet, and payday is a few weeks away. By then I'm sure I'll know for certain, but I kind of want to surprise my boyfriend before he figures it out!

So what does everyone think? Could I be pregnant? Also, when should take that other test?