dear my love

hey, it’s me and i know your never gonna read this but this is everything i want to say to you. we have only been together a short time but we have been through a lot. 15 years old and we already thought i was pregnant which was an accident and things got out of hand.. i wasn’t. you were going to leave me, our relationship, our future, and our possible child. i know that you don’t think the way that i do and that’s alright. you wanted me to get rid of it if the test came back positive. that made me feel used. like you got what you wanted and messed up and expected me to fix it all. the truth is even if i was pregnant and you left every time i would look at that baby i would cry my eyes out and my heart would break because it would look like you. it would act like you when it’s older and it would grow up without a dad. i can imagine it’s curly brown hair and big brown eyes. it’s cute little messed up teeth and the way it would home my hand. this might be bad of me to think but even if you left me that baby might be the only thing that loved me and the only thing that i had left of you. you love me and i don’t question that but you weren’t ready to be a dad and good thing you aren’t going to be one. i wish you would have supported and comforted me when i needed it because by not doing that it showed me that the person i love is selfish and immature. which i expect for his age but i didn’t expect him to be so self-centered. he was all worried about how kids would pick on him and not about my health or how i was feeling or what i would have to deal with. i love you to death and i want to be with you forever. but i’m scared your going to leave me someday with a kid.