Feeling disconnected to unborn baby

I feel horrible saying this, but I am 21 weeks pregnant with my 3rd a baby girl and I was so excited once we got pregnant again since I had been trying and had a miscarriage a month before this one. I have a 4 yr old son and 10 year old daughter who are my world and was so close to even before birth, this one I'm just not! And I feel horrible. I'm not excited at all, I mean I love her so much but I dont even feel happy. I don't have anything for her yet, and hubby is super excited for his daughter to be here but then never wants to feel her kick or talk about names and that makes me feel even less connected to her for some reason. I know I'll love her so much the minute she is born but it sucks not being excited. Doesn't help that my whole family acts like I'm not pregnant, and no one ever asks me how I'm doing or how baby is. It's like we are invisible and it hurts. Anyone els feel this way?