Experiment: baking soda sex prediction!


I have been feeling antsy waiting for the results of my genetic screening, which will also determine baby's sex. I had my blood drawn over a week ago! Since I am 16 weeks and baby's testosterone levels will be at their highest now if it's a boy, I decided to try the baking soda sex prediction test.

For those that don't know this test is based on the change in pH that can occur to a woman's urine as a result of increased testosterone levels, though also to some extent non-pregnancy related things like having a UTI or level of hydration. This change in pH will result in fizzy or bubbly pee when mixed with equal parts baking soda if it's a boy, or no effect if it's a girl. So there is some science behind this old wives tale as opposed to many others, but none of them are perfectly accurate of course.

As a good scientist I decided I needed a control to try this. So, Iconvinced my husband to pee in a cup as well! Adult guys obviously have testosterone in their pee, but actually to a lesser extent than the baby would have during the peak (about 16 weeks) in pregnancy. If you can convince a boy around puberty to pee in a cup that would be about equivalent to a week 16 baby's levels, but also a weird thing to ask...so there's that.

My husband's pee when mixed with the baking soda produced some bubbles, so I think that worked as a control! Then when I tried mine I got a fair amount of froth, almost like you would have when looking at the top of a fresh cold beer (RIP). I'll report back on the accuracy in (hopefully) less than a week, but as per these results we are (possibly) having a boy!