Terrified of labor/birth


My first pregnancy I never felt contractions until my water broke and my son started coming out shoulder first. The cord was wrapped around his neck as well so it resulted in an emergency C-Section. I was induced and apparently some things happened that the nurses had never even seen, my doctor was cursing, it was all a bit traumatic. My second was a scheduled C-Section-easy. I want to have a VBA2C this time and my doctor and midwife are supportive of this. The problem is, I am absolutely terrified of giving birth the natural way. I feel like a first time mom. I keep reading new things about labor and birth that I never knew. I’m almost 40 years old and I am clueless and afraid to know more because I am so scared of what I do know. I feel lost. Does anyone have any resources or advice? I’m due in 3 months and I have got to get it together!