Thrust?? Or milk??


Ok question.

My baby girl was born 12/14/18. I didn’t realize you should clean their tongues. I have two older kids (11 and 9) and I never did it with them.

Anyways. My baby’s tongue is white. Like half of it is. I assumed it was just milk. Then it had a little blackish spot. I thought it was lint or something but now it seems like the blk spot is a bit bigger. (Unless it’s my imagination since now I’m borderline freaking out that it’s thrust)

I started googling it and i saw something on thrust. The white is only on her tongue 👅. When I read about thrust it said it would be spots on different parts of her mouth and also on my nipples ( my nipples r fine)

Has anyone’s kid had thrust w/it only be in the tongue and no symptoms for mom?

Also the blk...any one experience that?

She’s eating fine and it doesn’t seem to bother her. I tried cleaning her tongue with a wash cloth but I think my finger is to big for her little mouth and I’m afraid to make her gag.

I plan on asking her dr but in the meantime i figured id post here.