Pregnancy weight gain • feeling selfish


Hoping that there’s someone out there that can relate to what I’m feeling. I’m 27 weeks pregnant with baby #1. Thus far, i feel incredibly lucky to have had a pregnancy with little to no big symptoms. No morning sickness, no fatigue. I am heavily struggling mentally with weight gain. I feel so selfish because i know there are women out there that struggle with TTC and would give anything to have the weight gain with a healthy pregnancy. I started the pregnancy at 115lbs and at 27 weeks i have gained about 8lbs. I am 27 years old and for the first time I cringe every time i see a scale. When i step on the scale i am in tears. Can anyone relate to this? Have any opinions?

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You’re allowed to have these feelings. You being upset about this is inconsequential to those that are TTC or struggling to conceive. We all have our own burdens to bear, so please don’t feel badly.


Tia • Jan 23, 2019
EXACTLY! omg this exactly!


Brittany • Jan 22, 2019
This is how I feel too. I’ve been sooooooooo sick and I feel horrible about complaining about it but it’s really been a struggle of mine. I have a friend that has been Ttc and I know she would switch places with me in a heart beat. I feel terrible for her but I feel terrible for myself too. I think we all have our own things we struggle with and I hate when they are compared.


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I am the same way. You’re suppose to gain 25-30lbs by the end of your pregnancy. Look up the weight breakdown and you’ll feel better. Once you have the baby, if you stayed within that range, you’ll be back at prepregnancy weight sooo fast. I usually only had about 5-10lbs remaining RIGHT after giving birth. The rest was mainly water retention. This is my fourth and always gained about 25lbs, I was at prepregnancy in about a month. It’s definitely a hard pill to swallow if you are accustomed to a certain weight. Eat healthy foods, take care of yourself, you’ll be fine 👌🏻


Tia • Jan 22, 2019
Thank you. That makes me feel better! I hope i can bounce back.


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Brittany • Jan 22, 2019
Yes I always remind my self of this too. It’s important we gain. And it’s also why it’s easier to lose the majority of the weight after baby is born. :)


Tia • Jan 22, 2019
Oh wow, i didn’t know that! That makes so much more sense seeing it broken down like that.


Posted at
Pregnancy weight is different than normal weight gain. I am also struggling with this but I keep reminding myself of that. I’m certainly making better food choices than I would normally. I eat a lot of salads because I like a lot of chocolate. I’ve gained 9lbs so far and am almost 22 weeks.


Brittany • Jan 22, 2019
I wouldn’t think about it as a diet but just healthier choices. For example when I make my salads I make a huge salad and don’t care about the size. I add tomatoes, mushrooms, hard boiled egg, black olives, avocado, bacon pieces and then what ever dressing I want. I’m not sure worried about the portion size because I know the veggies and proteins are good for me. I don’t load on the dressing but I don’t measure it either. I’ve also been eating lean cusines or smart ones as one of my mini meals. I eat 4 meals a day and limit my snacking between. I bought yogurt covered raisins when I’m craving something sweet and I also have dark chocolate in my freezer. Just making these changes to my daily routine has drastically slowed my weight gain but I’m still gaining about 1lb per week which is what is recommended.


Tia • Jan 22, 2019
I have never been big on diets 🤦🏼‍♀️ but it’s time i start! I need to make more healthy choices.


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I was 31 and pregnant with my 3rd baby, started at 145 and ended at 220. I had a lot of water weight and she ended up being 10lbs 12oz. I lost 20 lbs within 2 weeks of her being born and the rest of the weight plus some within 6 months. Dont stress about your weight, enjoy your pregnancy!


Tia • Jan 22, 2019
I didn’t gain any the first trimester. I’m not sure if that question was meant for me. Sorry!


sev86 • Jan 22, 2019
If you don’t mind me asking how much did you gain in the first trimester


Posted at
Girl I’ve gained like 25 lbs I think. I don’t even look at the scale


Tia • Jan 22, 2019
I need to stop! I know how it affects me mentally so i need to just stop dwelling on it.


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Tia • Jan 22, 2019
Yes, 8 lbs so far. At least that was at my last appointment a couple weeks ago.