I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

Ashley • Wife & mommy to 2 little girls 💗🎀👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

I had my 2 baby on 1/18 and it’s my first time breastfeeding. She did AMAZING latching and eating the first 2 days but I started to notice she slowly stopped wanting to latch...now she won’t latch on me at all 😭😭 She will root for my nipple and put her mouth on it but then stops.. she also starts to cry dang near every time I try to feed her with boob. I’ll literally sit and try for an hour and get no luck...just a screaming baby.. She’ll latch and suck PERFECTLY on a pacifier or a bottle. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong for her to not want to latch on to me when she was doing great the first two days of life. I’ve tired ALL KINDS of different positions and tricks people have said helped them but I’m still at a stuck and don’t know what to do. I’m starting to get extremely discouraged... I don’t mind exclusively pumping or even supplementing formula if I have to... help 😢