What would you do? (See description)


I am a correctional officer. Last year I found out in February that I was pregnant, right before I was supposed to go to the jail academy, so I ended up not going. Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage in April and then decided to switch to a different jail closer to where I live. I am now starting the jail academy on Feb. 4th and it goes for 5 weeks.

Should I start trying to conceive now? I feel torn because 1. My next period is due feb 15th so i would only be a couple weeks along when it ended, and the uterus is still protected by the pelvic bone until like week 8 so any hands-on moves wouldn't be a direct hit to the baby 2. I might not even get pregnant this cycle

However, I feel like maybe I should still wait one more cycle so if I have another miscarriage I won't blame myself. Maybe I'm being selfish because I want a baby before I turn 33 at the end of the year 🤷‍♀️

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